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Portfolio design
Development 2
Personal branding
Css Zen Garden
Personal branding exercise
Below i've included a photo of some research I did when looking into branding, this included the visual elements and 3 things which I thought were important when creating a website. I also included 3 things about myself which I thought I could show through the designs of my portfolio.
This is a photo of everybodys ideas from the branding exercise. It included the three things they thought were important when it came to creating a website and 3 things which they think they could show about them through their website, I found this useful as I noted down things that I didn't originally think of for the website.
When constructing my home page I decided to implement some of the things that I thought about when looking at the words to describe me, The main one on the homepage being enthusiastic, I thought that the colours used represented enthusiasm, as they're bold and stand out, I Will also be creating a Logo and having my name properly implemented into the site rather than just having it in a text box.
When it came to the pages where the work and resources were displayed I thought that it should be presented more formally. I decided this because I wanted the viewer to focus on the work that was being displayed and I feel if there were bright colours this could slightly distract them. Below is a basic layout of one of the pages that was being worked on, as you can see it shows no content just the layout and colour scheme.
Personal branding is what makes me, me. When thinking about branding something there are things that you need to consider, some of these things include: Colour, logo, animation, shapes, typefaces, interactivity and tone of voice.
Below I will showcase the work that I've done on visually branding myself for this portfolio, this will include screen shots and photos of the work that I've done in class and also the work that has been done in a group such as the things other people thought were important when creating a website.
Mobile development 1
What went well ?

I think keeping things consistent was something that was important and I think that i've done that with this portfolio, I've took ideas on board which weren't my own and implented them in some way to make the site look a lot better, I feel that having others talk about your work and giving you feedback really helps and if it wasn't for the feedback then the design could be much more untidy.

What didn't go so well? 

I think that there's something missing that makes the work my own, in terms of bringing the work across as my own, there isn't a certain thing like a logo that ties it to me. I struggled to think of a logo as such to brand myself.

Final thoughts and improvements

As branding goes I kept the colour scheme to suit myself, professional but not boring. I think that a logo would have been a nice extra touch if I was to go on to improve it, this would just put my own stamp on each of the pages. Obviously a logo is something which makes people think of a company, combined with typeface and colour schemes, this is why it was important to keep all of the pages the same colour other than the homepage.
Review process
Here is the colour palette that I used within my content pages, This was kept the same throughout. I choose this colours because I thought they looked professional but then at the same time they weren't to dull. I also think they were easy on the users eyes